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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 201
Submit DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Jan-2019Thermal Melt Processing of Metallic AlloysDahlborg, U.; Calvo-Dahlborg, M.; Eskin, D. G.; Popel, P. S.
17-Jan-2019Didactic frame compression principle in students training contentNovikova, G. P.; Tagiltseva, N. G.; Ignatova, V. A.; Vakhrusheva, L. N.; Faleeva, L. V.; Litvinov, A. V.
17-Jan-2019Educational systems' cognitive management conceptsLevina, E. Y.; Larionova, I. A.; Yakushevskiy, M. V.; Belonovskaya, I. D.; Savinov, A. M.; Ashmarina, S. I.
17-Jan-2019Adaptive model of psychological and pedagogical accompany of student professional trainingKhusainova, S. V.; Matveyeva, L. V.; Ermilova, L. P.; Yakushevskaya, K. N.; Kolomiychenko, L. V.; Mashkin, N. A.
17-Jan-2019The influence of important adults to the formation of health value for school childrenTokareva, Y. A.; Kazayeva, E. A.; Yarullina, A. S.
17-Jan-2019Formation of motivation for studying Russian as a foreign language in cadets of a military engineering university through audiovisual visibilityMassalova, A. E.; Rzhanikova, J. V.; Dziuba, E. V.
17-Jan-2019A mathematical blended learning model for university studentsAhmerova, N. M.; Fatykhova, A. L.; Suleymanova, F. M.; Russu, O. N.; Kokhanovskaya, I. I.
17-Jan-2019Educational tasks modelling on the basis of the web-quest technology (from the experience of teaching Foreign Languages)Kazakova, O. P.; Klyoster, A. M.
17-Jan-2019Diachronic analysis of political metaphors in the british corpus: From victory bells to Russia’s vday [ДИАХРОНИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ МЕТАФОР В БРИТАНСКОМ КОРПУСЕ ТЕКСТОВ: КОЛОКОЛА ПОБЕДЫ И RUSSIA’S VDAY]Solopova, O. A.; Chudinov, A. P.
17-Jan-2019Implicit and explicit tactics of evasion strategy in Russian and Chinese political interviewTingting, L.; Chudinov, A. P.
17-Jan-2019Information technologies in teaching pop vocals of teenagers with disabilities in motionTagiltseva, N. G.; Konovalova, S. A.; Dobrovolskaya, L. V.; Zhukova, A. M.; Ovsyannikova, O. A.
17-Jan-2019Application of smart technologies in music education for children with disabilitiesTagiltseva, N. G.; Konovalova, S. A.; Kashina, N. I.; Matveeva, L. V.; Suetina, A. I.; Akhyamova, I. A.
17-Jan-2019Bi-linear model of correlation between heat capacity and volume thermal expansivity of solids as a novel tool for evaluation the reliable numerical data for purposes of chemical thermodynamics: Application to rare gas solidsBodryakov, V. Y.
17-Jan-2019Adolescent vandalism: The role of the parent-child relationship in the development of destructive behaviorKruzhkova, O. V.; Vorobyeva, I. V.; Zhdanova, N. E.; Ljovkina, A. O.
17-Jan-2019Neo-sentimentalism of L.S. Petrushevskaya in the light of catharsis through laughter and tearsKubasov, A. V.
17-Jan-2019Personal characteristics of teenagers' susceptibility to the impact of the internetVorobyeva, I. V.; Kruzhkova, O. V.
17-Jan-2019Social surfing as a risk in forming of civil subjectivity of teenagersSimonova, I. A.; Vorobyeva, I. V.; Kruzhkova, O. V.; Krivoshchekova, M. S.
17-Jan-2019Features of professional and personal orientation of the teacherVasyagina, N. N.; Vasyagina, S. A.; Seryy, A. V.
17-Jan-20191812: Russian intelligence in Paris (according to french archive documents)Zemtsov, V.
17-Jan-2019Gamma-Densitometer for Studies of High-Temperature Metal MeltsRusanov, B. A.; Baglasova, E. S.; Popel, P. S.; Sidorov, V. E.; Sabirzyanov, A. A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 201